5 Tips to Succeed in any College Class

good advice!
Published on Nov 1, 2013
Five useful tips to help you succeed in any college class


  1. These are some awesome tips! I will be using these in my classes this summer.

    1. The tips mentioned in the video provide a useful set of procedures that individuals can take on their own, but it should be mentioned that colleges regularly provide help for students to succeed in their course. At FIU, the writing center provides students with free assistance for improving writing skills and reviewing essay submissions. Likewise the Green Library offers an array of research material for students conducting investigative work or drafting a research paper.

  2. Justin Franco
    The video offers some insightful tips on how to succeed in a college course. Of the five tips that were discussed, I believe that working in groups in the most effective strategy. An article written by Dean Burnett of the Guardian explained the results of current research on group work. The research found that working in groups can improve student attitudes and facilitate learning by the phenomenon of socially shared cognition.


  3. The video was very helpful and informational to me because it gave me tips on how to succeed throughout college. it showed where you can get helped with your writing and research papers. -Sidnesha Holland

  4. This video has a lot of great information.

  5. Replies
    1. Although we are already at the end of this course, I will say that the tips in the video will continue to be helpful during the Fall Semester. I'll make sure to have a more positive attitude when it comes to my classes.

  6. Tips that everyone should take seriously. Definitely trying them.

  7. Already use some of these, but its nice to see these videos once in a blue moon for refreshers.

    Manuel Sauleda

  8. Already use some of these, but its nice to see these videos once in a blue moon for refreshers.

    Manuel Sauleda

  9. This video is valid in terms of its content. As an incoming sophomore, I find myself adhering to these tips on a daily basis.


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